
Endocrinologist Yausheva: fatty, sweet and starchy foods “hit” the liver

sweet pie
Elvira Yausheva, an endocrinologist, named the most harmful foods for the liver.

With added sugar. In conversation with “MedicForum” physician noted: if possible, products containing a large amount of added sugar should be avoided. The liver, involved in the process of digestion, converts sugar into fats. If it is consumed in large quantities, the body accumulates excess fat, which is deposited in various areas of the body, including the liver. Ultimately, a sweet tooth can lead to fatty liver disease.

Pickles.A certain amount of salt is needed by the body, but too much of it “hit” the liver, increasing the risk of damage. An excess of the main component of salt – sodium – increases blood pressure, negatively affects blood vessels and blood circulation, which can severely damage the liver.

Red meat. According to endocrinologist Yausheva, the digestion of red meat can be a tedious task for the liver, which has to work hard to break down a large amount of meat proteins. Frequent consumption of meat and meat products can cause a buildup of a protein in the liver that contributes to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Fatty foods.Digesting foods containing saturated fats or trans fats forces the liver to work hard to process these fats. Their frequent presence in the diet leads to overstrain of the organ and the development of inflammation.

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Products made from white flour.
b> Being a rich source of fast carbohydrates, they cause a sharp increase in blood sugar used by the body to create fat stores. With general obesity, the liver is also inevitably exposed to it.

Roskachestvo experts have named the most harmful products for the liver

Earlier, the portal wrote about which foods are the most dangerous for people with diabetes.

Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.