Endocrinologist scientist Zukhra Pavlova: by giving up sweet soda, you can normalize your carbohydrate balance and get rid of excess fat.
Endocrinologist Pavlova stated in an interview that the habit of drinking sweet soda is one of the key factors in rapidly developing obesity. Professor Pavlova advised people who want to lose excess fat and lose weight to analyze how often and in what quantity they drink soda and other sugary drinks. The specialist emphasized that, first of all, giving up sweetened liquids helps to lose excess fat and weight.
“I constantly say that calories should be reduced primarily by cutting back on simple carbohydrates and especially sweet drinks,” the doctor shared with one of the main rules for losing weight with Lenta.ru.
The endocrinologist clarified that soda and other sweet drinks contain such a large amount of sugar that a person would not eat in solid form. In liquid form, it is absorbed more unnoticeably, especially since carbonated drinks may contain additives that specifically affect the brain centers responsible for the perception of sweet taste. Because of this influence, the brain loses its function of controlling the absorption of sugar, and the body is not fed up with it. As a result, the body receives a huge amount of energy, which it does not consume and is stored as a reserve in the form of fat. To end this, you need to stop drinking any sweet drinks, especially soda.
“Giving up sugary sodas will improve carbohydrate metabolism, help you lose excess fat, and reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders,” Pavlova summed up.< br>Earlier, the MedikForum.ru portal wrote that weight fluctuations may indicate problems with the thyroid gland.
Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.
Zukhra Pavlova Healthy lifestyle, endocrinologist, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, Doctor of Medical Sciences