
Doctors named meat and eggs among fatty foods to improve blood composition

egg sandwich
For good blood it is important to eat high-quality natural fatty foods, – Russian doctors reported this.

Doctors called meat and eggs in including fatty foods to improve blood composition, informed the healthy-food.rf portal. In particular, eating meat is especially effective in replenishing iron levels, an element extremely important for hematopoiesis.

“To restore iron reserves (a microelement necessary for the body to produce red blood cells – erythrocytes), it is recommended not to give up red meat,” experts state.
Another type of fatty foods that are useful for improving blood composition are offal. They are also characterized by a very high concentration of iron in their composition. The main thing when consuming them is to remember moderation. Offal contains a lot of cholesterol – it is better not to get carried away with them.

Eggs were also named by doctors as one of the fatty foods for improving blood composition.

“There is an opinion that regular consumption of eggs is associated with a risk of increased cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that it is not the eggs themselves that affect the level of “bad” cholesterol, but what we eat them with. For example, sausages and bacon,” shared cardiologist Anna Korenevich.
Boiled chicken and quail eggs contain a large amount of substances valuable for the circulatory system and blood vessels such as iron, magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins.

In addition, the consumption of fatty fish and another fatty product – dark chocolate – has a positive effect on the state of the blood.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which cereals are especially effective in improving the health of the intestines when consumed.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.