
Doctor Solomatina told what foods and drinks the elderly should avoid

elderly people at the table
Nutritionist Elena Solomatina: sweet drinks, fatty rich and salty dishes – it is better for elderly people to avoid all of this.

Doctor Solomatina reminded that the body of elderly people does not have the same reserve of strength that it has in youth. This also applies to digestion – many dishes and drinks that were once well tolerated are no longer digested as easily in old age or even cause health problems. In particular, the doctor advised to give up drinks rich in simple carbohydrates, which exhaust the pancreas, provoke the development of insulin resistance and obesity.

“If a person is already in adulthood and is thinking about changing their diet, it is worth excluding alcohol and sweet fizzy drinks, juices and compotes with a high sugar content,” Solomatina shared with Vechernyaya Moskva.
The doctor also said that the elderly should give up fatty foods, including rich broths and fried foods. The specialist considers trans fats, which are formed during aggressive heat treatment (for example, during frying), to be especially dangerous for health in old age.

“I recommend giving up belyashi, donuts and similar products,” the nutritionist said in this regard.
In addition, Solomatina recommended that the elderly not buy or eat products with margarine, cooking fats, palm oil (they are often found in cheap cookies and other baked goods, sweets, desserts). According to the expert, this type of fat contributes to cellular damage and inflammation.

Also, according to the recommendations of a nutritionist, older people need to control the amount of salt and protein in their diet. In addition, what matters is how high-quality and easily digestible protein is consumed. It is better to get it from fish, chicken, and dairy products, the expert suggested.

Speaking about sugar, Solomatina explained: in the diet of the elderly it should be reduced to the maximum.

“Excess sugar begins to cause inflammation, leading to to collagen deformation. Its amount needs to be controlled not only in sweets, but also in fruits and berries,” the doctor noted.
The portal previously wrote about why it is beneficial for adults to eat 50 grams of dark chocolate daily.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina Healthy lifestyle nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences