Therapist Tatyana Romanenko listed the mistakes of people over the age of 60 that are dangerous to health and life.
Doctor Romanenko informed that one of mistakes people 60 years of age and older is disordered medication. The expert stated that the use of drugs in the elderly should be discussed with the doctor so that he specifies the procedure for taking them. Incorrectly used products may not give the desired effect or even harm the body.
“Aged citizens often do not follow how the drugs are combined with each other. When medications are taken together, they may not be combined or weaken or worsen the effect of each other,” the therapist told Moscow 24.
Another dangerous mistake after 60 years is the use of some drugs on the advice of friends. Romanenko stressed that everything related to taking medications should be coordinated by a doctor, relying on someone else's recommendations in this matter is unacceptable. be not only inefficient, but sometimes cost lives,” said the specialist.
The therapist drew attention to the factor of physical activity. Many older people begin to gravitate towards inactivity, which doctors do not encourage. At the same time, doctor Romanenko added, and excessive physical activity is a dangerous mistake after 60 years. Older people often show inappropriate enthusiasm in their area or dacha, try to do more during a period of good health, do not want to take into account the physiology of age, being afraid to seem weak. The doctor noted that at this age it is necessary to monitor the appropriateness of the loads and not test the body for strength.
Intense daily exercises shorten rather than prolong life
The expert advised striving for balance in everything – in loads and nutrition. Romanenko called a decrease in the amount of protein in the diet of older people and their craving for carbohydrate foods as one of the mistakes. be present in the diet of women over 40.
Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.
Tatyana Romanenko Healthy lifestyle therapist