Especially in the summer months, many people dream of a flat toned stomach. Abs exercises alone are not enough. It also depends on proper nutrition.
Many people try to get a flat stomach through diet and exercise. Choosing the right foods also plays a crucial role.
Three drinks that will help make your stomach flatter
Arugula and chicory
Bitter substances stimulate digestion and thus prevent bloating.
“Natural bitter substances have a positive effect on various stages of digestion. For example, chicory salad helps digestion,” says dietitian Vasilisa Ponomareva especially for MedikForum.
Yoga upside down will make the stomach flat
br>The flow of saliva is already stimulated by chewing, the stomach produces more stomach acid and the secretion of bile is stimulated. It is important for burning fat, among other things.
Cucumber – contains a lot of water
Cucumbers are 95 percent water. This is good because they contain few calories and moisturize the body.
“Cucumbers contain a lot of dietary fiber. These are healthy plant fibers that support the intestines in its work.”
Whole grain bread
Unlike white bread, whole grain bread contains significantly more fiber. They only allow you to slowly raise blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can prevent food cravings.
Cottage cheese – lots of proteins
Protein is important for a flat stomach because it keeps you feeling full longer than carbs. Sufficient protein is also needed to build muscle mass.
“Cottage cheese contains a good amount of probiotics that are beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics suppress inflammation and support intestinal flora.”
Walnuts – yes in moderation
Walnuts are high in calories, so enjoy walnuts in moderation. The unsaturated fatty acids found in walnuts can even contribute to a flat stomach.
“Regular consumption of walnuts not only improves blood cholesterol levels, but also improves intestinal flora.”
MedicForum has previously written about the causes of excessive sweating.
Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.