
Therapist Klishchenko: swelling and bruising can be a signal of the development of dangerous diseases

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Therapist Ekaterina Klishchenko: swelling may indicate heart failure and diabetes, bruises – blood diseases.

Doctor Klishchenko said that various changes in the condition of the body can be a signal of the development of dangerous diseases.

Swelling.Their appearance is not always a dangerous signal. But if, along with the appearance of edema, negative symptoms occur, or if the swelling looks unusual (for example, it is too significant), this is a reason to consult a doctor.

“You should be especially wary if the edema is accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, or interruptions in in the work of the heart, pain in the lower extremities, quickly increase or do not go away on their own for a long time,” explained therapist Klishchenko in a conversation with “Evening Moscow.”
The doctor said that edema not associated with the consumption of liquid or salt can be a signal from the body about developing heart failure, kidney or liver disease, diabetes, or thyroid problems (hypothyroidism). When significant swelling occurs on only one side of the body, venous insufficiency or thrombosis may be suspected.

Bruises.The doctor explained that, first of all, strong or large bruises that arise for reasons inexplicable to a person should cause caution – without injuries, bruises or any other factors influencing their appearance.

“If the bruises do not go away in within two weeks, appear frequently, are large in size, are located in places atypical for a bruise, and if your close relatives have similar symptoms, this may be a manifestation of a blood disease,” Ekaterina Klishchenko clarified.
Other signals .The doctor advised contacting specialists for any changes in the body that occur outside of lifestyle or external factors and persist for a long time. Potentially dangerous changes also include excessive hair loss (this is possible with thyroid deficiency, anemia, polycystic ovary syndrome) and headache. The latter may indicate a brain tumor, aneurysm, thrombosis – such a headache is usually unusual in sensation.

The portal previously wrote about what back pain can be like with problems with the kidneys and spine.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ekaterina Klishchenko Ekaterina Klishchenko Health general practitioner