
Neurologist Khodjaeva: If a person gets motion sickness while traveling, it is necessary to undergo an examination

woman driving
Neurologist Alina Khodzhaeva: if motion sickness occurs during a trip in transport, its cause may well be pathology.

Neurologist Khodzhaeva stated: if a person gets motion sickness while traveling and needs to be examined.

“You need to see a doctor if you regularly suffer from bouts of seasickness while traveling. The nausea that arises may indicate hidden diseases that can become chronic over time,” said the specialist.
Khodzhaeva clarified that the unpleasant symptoms of motion sickness (otherwise known as kinetosis) may not appear immediately, but only after a while after the onset trips. Dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, pallor, drowsiness, and blurred vision occur. Various disorders can contribute to the appearance of these problems, including pathologies of the inner and middle ear, vascular diseases, adverse changes in the visual organs, and injuries. The doctor will prescribe examinations that will help identify the real cause of kinetosis, a neurologist’s recommendation is given in Medzdrav.Info.

Earlier, the portal wrote that persistent swelling in the heat can occur due to a blood clot and problems with heart.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Alina Khodzhaeva Alina Khodzhaeva Health neurologist