
Narcologist Holdin: smoking among allergy sufferers in the spring can cause an attack of suffocation

Narcologist Vitaly Holdin: in the spring, with the beginning of the hay fever season, allergy sufferers should stop smoking.

Narcologist Holdin recalled that in the spring, many people experience hay fever (a form of allergy, the symptoms of which are aggravated due to exposure to plant pollen). The doctor warned that one of the dangerous habits of such allergy sufferers at this time of year is smoking.

According to Vitaly Holdin, smoking in allergy sufferers in the spring can cause an attack of suffocation.

“During the hay fever season “When everything is in bloom, it is important for allergy sufferers to stop smoking, as it not only worsens the course of the disease, but can also cause an attack of suffocation,” the press service of the Moscow Region Ministry of Health quotes the doctor.
The specialist added that giving up alcohol would also be helpful. It contains fermentation products that can aggravate the unfavorable condition of allergy sufferers in the spring.

Holdin named a number of measures that help alleviate poor health with allergies:

  • Taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • Frequent wet cleaning;
  • Washing hands and face after street walks;
  • Staying indoors during exacerbation of allergies.

Previously portal wrote that allergy sufferers are much less likely than other people to suffer from cancer.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Vitaly Holdin Vitaly Holdin Health, chief freelance psychiatrist-narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region