
I want sweets: follow the desire or not?

girl at the cafe table
Gastroenterologist Marina Myagkova told why we want sweets when we are sad, and in what cases we should not refuse sweets.

In fact, not everyone wants sweets in moments of sadness and despondency. There is the concept of food programming and food education. How is such a model of behavior formed?

“A child, being small, ran, fell, broke his knee. To calm him down, they give him candy. And in this way, an associative chain is gradually formed in the child: sad – they let me eat sweets, ”the doctor gives an example.
That is, parents often shape the eating habits of their children themselves. But in addition to the wrong food habit, the desire to eat sweets can be explained by the fact that when we eat sweets, the hormone serotonin is produced in our body.

But you should not seize longing and sadness with sweets. This can lead to obesity and other health problems. Even if you already have the habit of eating sadness with sweets, it's never too late to change it.

Chocolate in small quantities can be useful, but provided that it is natural chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60%. Chocolate should not contain flavorings and sugar substitutes.

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Sweets are also desirable after intense mental stress, because sweet, glucose is a nutrient medium for the brain. After active mental activity, the brain always requires glucose. And in this case, in no case should you refuse sweets. Vice versa! Just replace harmful sweets (rolls, sweets, milk chocolate, cakes) with healthy sources of glucose (fruits, berries, natural chocolate).

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A also alternate mental load with physical, change activities, evenly distributing them throughout the day. Then your brain will not constantly ask for sweets. Marina Myagkova Marina Myagkova Health Gastroenterologist , nutritionist