
Doctor Savkina: the ability of protein foods to rot in the intestines is a myth

stomach pain
Doctor Marina Savkina commented on allegations of possible rotting of food in the digestive tract.

Doctor Savkina stated in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, that the ability of food to rot in the intestines is a myth, such a putrefactive process is simply physiologically impossible

“The process of food rotting in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is impossible, since it is broken down by human enzymes even before meeting the microorganisms that live in large intestine,” the specialist noted.
Savkina added that when the topic of rotting of some food is raised, it usually means meat, in which the protein structures decompose. The doctor explained that in fact, the breakdown of proteins occurs under the influence of enzymes in the small intestine, while the large intestine, inhabited by microbes, performs the function of breaking down fiber that is not digested in previous sections of the tract.

Can food rot in stomach? No, it can’t, Savkina emphasized.

“Due to the acidic environment of the stomach, there are practically no microorganisms in it, and therefore the process of rotting in the stomach is also excluded,” the expert clarified.
< b>Why do unpleasant symptoms and discomfort occur after eating?The doctor noted that this is not a sign of some putrefactive processes. Bloating and gases after eating fiber are the norm, not a deviation. But if there is a feeling that gas formation is too intense, and discomfort and bloating are felt almost constantly or for a long time, you need to consult a doctor and talk about it.

What can discomfort after eating food mean?Such discomfort or even pain after fatty meals can last from 30 to 60 minutes – this often indicates existing problems with the gallbladder, a predisposition to stones in the bladder.

Sudden cramps with diarrhea and flatulence are characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS), in which symptoms of the disease appear, but in reality there is no pathology.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what combinations of other foods and drinks with kebab are dangerous to health.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Marina Savkina Marina Savkina Health leading consultant in laboratory medicine, leading expert at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Federal Budgetary Institution Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor