According to general practitioner Larisa Alekseeva, staying in an unventilated room can worsen your well-being and contribute to loss of strength.
In winter, many people avoid proper ventilation of rooms , and this can cause you to feel unwell. Doctor Alekseeva warned in an interview that in an unventilated room oxygen starvation occurs, which affects the brain.
“Due to insufficient ventilation, people often experience oxygen starvation, which is accompanied by headaches and yawning,” the specialist told Vechernaya Moskva.
The doctor added that in the absence of sufficient ventilation, accumulation occurs in the air of the room where people are located. methane, aldehydes and ammonia – substances known for their negative effects on humans. Due to their influence, there may be feelings of powerlessness, weakness, and inability to concentrate and work.
In an apartment without ventilation, microbes, viruses, dust and mold, and infectious agents multiply.
In addition, in an unventilated room there is not enough oxygen for normal lung function.
“Ventilation is especially important for apartments where several generations of family members live,” the doctor emphasized.
What mistakes are often made when ventilating an apartment:
Furniture is too close to the wall.There should be enough space for air circulation between the wall and the furniture. Otherwise, mold may appear.
Closed windows during rain and snow. Do not be afraid that dampness will increase in the apartment – this cannot happen purely physically.
Ignoring foggy windows. The appearance of condensation is the first sign of improper or insufficient ventilation, high humidity, which leads to the spread of fungus.
Heating after ventilation.There is no need to turn on the heater if fresh winter air has made the room cooler – this will quickly deprive the room of oxygen reserves.
Ventilation is too long or short. It makes no sense to ventilate the room for one or two minutes in winter : moisture does not have time to evaporate, and mold may appear in places where it accumulates. But too long ventilation cools the home too much.
“In winter, 10-15 minutes of through ventilation is enough.”
Earlier, the portal wrote that for flu and colds it is better to follow a semi-starved diet .
Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.
Larisa Alekseeva Health general practitioner