Children suffering from allergic diseases are more prone both to the risk of falling ill and to receiving complications and side effects as a result of the illness. Should they be vaccinated in this case?We asked pediatrician Anna Levadnaya to answer this important question for many parents.“Vaccina
Read MoreTo fill the lack of iron in the body is not such an easy task. It is necessary to take into account many factors that influence each other.Which products to look for iron? The fact is that you need not only to choose the right products, but also to use them correctly.“Iron is one of the most importa
Read MoreSometimes people have high hopes for giving up sweets. They renounce their favorite treat, and do not get the expected effect. Neurologist Eldar Ramazanov told why this happens.The first important rule: even if the rejection of sweets did not add energy, vigor and strength to you, this is not a reas
Read MoreThrush is unpleasant in principle, and even more so on vacation. A disease can easily spoil the most long-awaited trip.Gynecologist Kamil Bakhtiyarov told how to minimize the risks and how to act if the disease could not be avoided.“Why is thrush so often overtakes precisely on vacation or immediate
Read MoreSome foods have a strong carcinogenic effect on the body, but nutritional deficiencies can be just as devastating. According to experts, iodine deficiency, which affects billions of people around the world, can lead to an increased risk of thyroid cancer.Nutritional deficiencies often develop insidi
Read MoreEndocrinologist Natalya Liberanskaya told what factors cause an accelerated rate of aging in our body.Old age is inevitable. Modern science, striding by leaps and bounds, has not yet found a way to reverse or stop the aging process, but it is quite possible to slow it down. Moreover, the methods for
Read MoreAs the weather gets colder, more people will reach for hot drinks to keep warm. However, a new study suggests that the desire to drink a cup of hot coffee can have negative health consequences and even increase the risk of cancer.We all love the feeling of a hot drink that warms the body from the in
Read MoreThe cause of allergies must be sought in the intestines. This opinion was expressed by clinical pharmacologist Anzhela Stepus.“First, you need to understand what an allergy is in general. At its core, an allergy is an immune cell reaction to an invasion of foreign material. At the same time, immunit
Read MoreNutritionist Ekaterina Novikova told what minerals and vitamins you can use to keep yourself in good shape and maintain a good mood.Our emotional state directly depends on a number of physiological indicators. This also applies to the level of certain minerals and vitamins in our body. When they go
Read MoreDr. Kamil Bakhtiyarov told how to properly pack a first aid kit on the road. And although the holiday season is already ending, this information is always relevant.No one is safe from health problems on the road. Especially if you are facing a sudden change in climate or time zones. The body will ha
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